Why Imoihealth?

We are exceptional in what we do, putting patient care first as well as our community.

Imo Health Systems is gifted with professionals that are of excellent moral value and compassionate, providing healthcare from the heart.

  • We uphold highest standard of professionalism and integrity;
  • We offer world-class healthcare in order to improve the quality of life;
  • We deliver services with passion, energy and encourage teamwork;
  • We offers expert staff and patient-centered approach;
  • We offer modern medical equipment and facilities;
  • Dedicated  children health/Pediatrics care.

Dr. Mona Abaza

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Dr. Scott Aaronson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut...

Dr. Kelly Kim

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut...

Our founder

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The Imo Health Systems Optometrists are trained and qualified in the structure and function of the eye and can treat...

At Imo Health Systems we have qualified pharmacists who dispense medication and counsel patients on the use of their prescriptions...

Imo Health Systems has a qualified team of Consulting Physicians that specializes in diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases and...

Imo Health Systems is here to help patients with heart problems in order to improve their health and enjoy a...

Imo Health Systems has a 24 hours a day emergency department that offers comprehensive emergency care and operates the highest...

Imo Health Systems employs highly trained and qualified Laboratory Scientists who perform and provide our patients with diagnostic testing. Our...

Imo Health Systems has qualified Dentists and Dental Hygienists that perform a wide range of preventative and diagnostic services including...

Imo Health Systems has a team of qualified Pediatrician Doctors and Nurses that assist parents and guardians in raising healthy...

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